Monday, November 30, 2009


I would've published my journals long ago but I think it's for another shoe to fit. Anyway, I came up with lots of analogies so far in writing this blog, my thesis and my so-called journals which I have given up long ago without actually seeing them materialised. In it, a continuation from my book, I came into discussing about the collision of stars. And what happens if one nuclei is added into the equation. I begin synthesising Einstein's theory but before which I have thought about the Theory of Everything diligently debated across the internet nowadays. I came about the dogma of gravity and angle. And in my viva which I have already presented, I've explained what it means to climate change and the catastrophic events lined up to earthquake locations and how similar trenches are on the globe inter-linked with one another. I also showed how ozone was made and how agriculture might be improved from having this knowledge. This location is utterly important, the forests need to be preserved. It's an intermediate point where the wind blows and the tectonic plats meet. Just like the African mid-rift valley. Soil conservation needs to be re-think. Haha! It's a devious scheme.. But anyway hope it works! It will re-create a new whole approach of what we think how the economy is!

Anyway coming to the nuclei.. Do you think we really should have a nuclear reactor by the way? Where are we gonna put the waste. And I'm sure there are other solutions. This again as I said, is moving on the fast lane. I still think that solar energy and wind can accommodate our needs. In Facebook, targeting on several comments posed by a friend. I was reminded about my model where I have actually beforehand submitted a copy of my viva notes to my supervisor. Of how it may reflect silicone or germanium is re-arranged. I stressed how energy can be cultivated from these panels but from what adequate knowledge I have on this technology I am still lacking. Someone else has to invent it. Just like what I am saying to having fuel energy replaced with hybrids or biomass fuel. That wouldn't be difficult wouldn't it. Besides there are 6 billion of people on this earth to must've thought of something. But the question is, where will we get our technology from? The answer will lead us to solving economic crisis and the call for action for one voice and tolerance.

We need to be aware why preservation is important to us. Asked a question, how long can we sustain ourselves? How far can we go as a civilization, without having technology killing us. Can we surpass this internal conflict? So think wisely and act responsibly. The world is enough for everybody needs but not for everyone's greed. Throw away the pride which clings. What are we bargaining for? What is real humility? Everybody wants to be somebody but I know deep inside there is a special gap that we just want to be ordinary to fill that empty space. Au naturale!
That is why preserving orangutans is important. It reminds us of what intelligence is. And it reminds us of ourselves. The orangutans need the forests and we need the forests. This is bilateral truth. In-cognito. A scheme you would say. That's how the world revolves around. With or without you. So are you in or are you out? No matter what it is, the world will still continue. It had always been since last time I remembered. But in the process, what have we lost? Precious time.

The Egyptians have a wonderful tale of history. And so are many civilizations like it. The Borrobudur or Angkor Wat. But to what links me or fascinates me the most is the Indian civilization. They have extreme adoration to nature and they seem to understand their composure. But how pyramids evolved, had been my test of intelligence in getting just the result that I needed to prove my equation.

America has long withstand trials and had been tested so many times of trivials. They are made of artists and businessman and they whole world revolves much on capitalism. I hate how much they see the world as utility and commodity. And that you can buy a cooperate in ringgits and pounds. Do not they understand the value of things? The Egyptians act as "khalifahs". They knew that they had to serve a supreme being and that it had been their responsibility richly Godly endowed that they have to preserve nature as a Gift. And they had seen to it also, sub-ordinates were rightly paid and housed.

Now post-colonial, how do we see ourselves today? If there could be a conjunction made between these two cultures we would have a neo-darwinism theory. And I propose that Lamarc's theory apply. I don't know how I came to this.. I couldn't find my notes.. There were so many discoveries. Oh yeah now I remember, if we can apply to the concept that adaptation may be induced by the transmission of culture at a rapid scale (and I mean given a shorter distance of pounce). Maybe lessons could be learnt at a higher intelligence. Just a metaphor, I would then samely imply this on the pre-conditions within the Lamarc theory. But like I said, it's just a guess.

The Eternal Child had been my favourite book. It's a book that describes biology, anthropology, archaeology and primatology. Like most books I like, these were metaphors. A word that had first been described by James Lovelock in his book the Gaia Hypothesis and my supervisor.

Primatology is such a fascination to science and I hope that it can progress as a subject in schools. Because from my experience, there were many notes unknown to man.. Up, up and away. Towards Science and Beyond.. Hence, I declare the Game of the Millennium!

Friday, November 27, 2009


The rich must live simply, so that the poor may simply live (Mahatma Gandhi). There needs to be a transference of culture. So that there wouldn't be a culture shock to what we are facing deliberately. Someone has to act out as a cushion absorber to cushion out impacts so that society may realise that what we are dealing with are pure mundane expressions. We are all have been moving in the fast lane and we forgot to consider our simple roots, which what makes us. This is not to say to lend support to a totalitarian agenda or central to government schemes as God forbids that our liberty be challenged. Or so say the capitalists or lest we go to a marxist regime. Oh no! Everybody needs to be happy and there are costs to be happy. My maid once said to me, that in the kampung, there are plenty of foods we don't need to be worried about being fed. But at the same time, I have to find money so that I can send my children to school. In the act of free will.

I was in Cardiff when I saw a good looking man, but old begging for coins. I gave him a pound and he was so happy that he yoddle at the top of his lungs.. God bless you! Whatever did I do to him! And of course, some left over biscuits and ham. That was all I got. I couldn't help the pregnant lady on the other hand. She was sitting crouched at a corner, looking lonesome and at such an impoverished state. Her eyes were literally bewildered. And she was heavily laden. I didn't care. I wished I could help, but it seems there was a choice. If only there wasn't. Anyway, I thought to myself thanks to Obama she will have health care support or forced to go back to her parents if they weren't drunk.

I went to the London zoo to ponder. And I saw a poet. As usual, being tall and lanky a chap he is he sang songs of poetry reciting as he coerce himself in composure. I looked at him, and thought what was he thinking. But indeed, it was a great place to be. I saw the chimps. Benoit studied them and track them in the wild. But I didn't see the gorillas.. Seeing them would send chills down to my bones. But I didn't so that was it.

I talked to a friend someone from the Orangutan Land Trust. And she said if these people wanted to alleviate their status of poverty they got to get educated. I agree in keeping pace with the world and be at the "social norm" but who the hell is leading!

My best-friend's husband aunt's husband works with the UN. I went to Bristol for a visit and she brought me to all churches there was. I was at St. James and I asked someone in a suit and daughters in bridal wear if I was in fact in the right place. He said yep! I waited and waited. Then I decided to go to the gas station I saw her there cursing while filling up her gas tank. I then came to know there was another church called St. James.
But the story was all we did was prayed. I wanted to visit Bath but she wasn't interested and there was a historical chapel on the hill I wanted to go. We zoomed past by with her car. She was very focused and she knew what to do. But the one which I remembered was when we went to a church with colourful glass. She asked me to lit a candle which I did. Then I heard a soprano singing. It was very lovely, as she reached to the highest pitch of tone, suddenly I cried, I cried profusely. I was so beautiful.. She brought me to a chapel where hundreds of martyrs died. The church was lit by lots of candles. I wanted to buy a copy of an article but I didn't have a pound. So I just put in few shingles and took the paper. She said don't do that. I bet it wasn't the right thing to do. Just outside there was a home-stay place where people that don't have anywhere to go can find refuge. They were smoking and apparently looked disturbed. I think it was a good thing to do but my aunt thought that the money should spent on otherwise. There was a rosary painted on the walls. So much so were there on other places. People were looking for God.

When I got back to Cardiff, I made a sandwich to a begger near Sainsbury. As soon as he saw me coming with a sandwich, he immediately took off. Maybe I bargain with his ego. He was a person nonetheless. I was so at peace as I went roaming around the city at night. I was prowling like everybody else, but most were safely at home. I saw some of them being fed with hamburgers from social welfare. It was a special visit by me. I was at Oxfam and the shop keeper said to me I knew you were coming figuring out since I liked visiting there. There were oh so many good books, worth reading and they were very cheap. I was at the train station and the floor sweeper said it was good seeing you again. And that really made that they. These are men with pride in their brows.

Right near the university where I was at, had a memorial of war with a St. Michael and his sword placing it down to the earth. It was very meaningful as all the students go there for a rest. And there wear trees with red splendid reds growing. It was a garden. On a bench, that said in loving memory of my wife engraved on the metal right when you're sitting on the chair. She must've loved the garden.

Cardiff has a special place in my heart. And I lost my tickets twice while coming home. I didn't expect that to happen, I guess my bag was out in the open. I brought the books home for the library at the university. And as much as I wanted to learn from friends all over the world coming together here at Cardiff. They wanted to listen to me. I hope my writings are thought of and learnt.

So how do we cope with the incredulity of religious demands so much in this world today. There are ways in describing society, one bias that one always do is to group identify a subject. Where they are always erroneously described as serving a function. But this is not right, because there are things such as individuality. And there are so many turmoils and vendeta in the animal world that needs to be justified. Then on, there are two pillars in primatology that is kinship and individual maximization. If we can sought for a balance between these two, maybe that can best describe the society that we live today! Mostly, females are distributed by natural sources while males are conformed to these females. That's the whole theory about society and primates so-far.

The inference now is how can we cope to social disturbance. We need to identify it and use it as a key connector to recipients being subjected to these pre-cursors. Perhaps we can see a pattern. It was my hope to write my thesis, as a pattern to relate as well to inspect the sovereignty of kinship and order based on orangutans and their lifestyle constituted within a disturbed area. And see how really disturbed they are. Perhaps it may prove a light to how we live and gain confidence to how we live our lives naturally. Eu naturale!