Sunday, August 7, 2011

Xlibris Coorporation

My book, Angels That Came was written based on the facts of orang-utans and some pragmatic issues I found about the socio-economy of the welfare State of Sabah. But because I embedded some stories of ingenuine Indian myth and how it applies to my result, I thus predictably put the whole story line into the category of non-fiction. But basically what it tells about, is the story of my life as a researcher and through my eyes of how I see the world of apes and the community I work with. I also integrate some story background about my family, which quite anecdotely tells a context about genetics and how it applies to the result which I am conducing. There were some dedications that I'd like to make but I quite commitedly said it should addressed to my friend Agung, as it narrates a story about provincial economic situation that confronts oil palm, the animal, people and reputation. Which bears into meaning of labeling and image. To read a synopsis of my book, please go to

  How I came to publish this book? I saw an advertisement in the internet commercialised by Xlibris Corporation. And I ask myself, would I want to write a book. I already have a draft in hand which I had long before thought that I should be an author. So this gave me the opportunity to establish myself into this career. I asked my mom if she could lend me some money in order to materialise this project which she said yes. And so I was on my path to this enroute vision of myself owning my very personal book. This book enriches the mind in the world of basic mathematics, admaths, physics, chemistry and the mysterious reknown body knowledge of biology and the world of evolution. It is a small book which congregates many daily facets of life and as we know it how do we apply to ourselves as we work ourselves way out within the bonds of animals and it's stake.

  Hopefully, I will write again a book that promotes tourism from my diary and experience as a traveler around the state as a youth. And in addition, a book that simply narrates my findings on the behaviour of orang-utans explicitly told from my observation in the field. That will take another time for some wealthy vantage point of exploration and report.

Sheena James.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I have always wanted to do an education programme. Which is why I thought that doing a PhD will be good for me to spread awareness as well do a research. I don't know where could I find money for this. That would be a next step to this question. I need the money to buy genetic kits for the purpose of assessing population linkage.

About the topic of charity. I have so far, written to my publisher of giving my profits and as well to give discounts to two main charity works. I am in particular interested in the Orangutan Land Trust and the The redape project us under United Nations Environmental Programme. I hope to see the dissemination of my book throughout Africa and Asia if this succeeds.

This is because my book, called Angels That Came will educate students about maths, biology, physics and chemistry all in one written in a comprehensive story of understanding. As well the come about of evolution which I partnered with my Dutch professor who I collaborated with in his project in the university.

I am after all, am asked to update about my book in my very own web-site. But my publisher is yet to give me that link. I am also waiting to accept my full package of sales and marketing strategy to promote my book.

I hope to get a head start once I begin to distribute the press release to book-stores and newspapers. I already have one journalist friend committed of writing an interview story about myself as an author.

By book is now out in the, and To read the excerpt of my book, go to

Sheena James

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I dreamt of Africa: Angels That Came

Angels That Came

I have submitted my manuscript for publishing, a book entitled Angels That Came. It's in the process of review and that will take an amount of time to finish. At the mean time, I hope that my book will be out in May as my mother comes back from Saudi that way we could do a celebration here on it's opening.

Since, the layout of the book doesn't permit more wordings than it should. I insert the full elaboration of my background and summary of the book in this blog.

The Angels That Came was named so because of so many people who were involved in this project. It is with the aim of popularising Science and a dedication to the people who spent most of their lives in conserving nature and its species. Thus it’s a mixture of romance with particular interest on the subject of orangutan where the ecology of the animal is being discussed stipulated with the knowledge of physics. It is with hope that the motive of this book is to promote the concept of evolution and findings on biomass. The book is an incredible mix of Indian mythology and touches a deep aspect of culture life in North Borneo where orangutans are found. Not many people know of its conservation status in this interior part of the world. Therefore, this book also enlightens the reader by telling a bit of history, culture and socio-economic status as pragmatic as possible. The orangutan is recognised as a protected species and is prioritised as an emblem for tourism and nature conservation. Hopefully, this book succeeds in educating society on its existence and act as an introduction to this beautiful world of ape and people co-existing together.

Sheena James is a local born of Sigh heritage in the island of Borneo. Her grandmother’s father used to sell tobacco during colonial times and is known by priests as the sigup man or a man who sell cigarettes. In this book you will see, intertwined are some twist of enigmatic portrayal of how the natives live in this part of Malaysian Borneo. Some of them were purposely exaggerated to give it a bit of spice. But far from truth, they encover a little about the racial mix of people living this day as a democratic country. Part of this project was funded by her mother who is working in the Middle East which would not have materialised without her full support. Sheena graduated in Conservation Biology with Second Upper Class and was given a full scholarship by Darwin Initiative to continue a course of molecular ecology in Cardiff, Wales. She graduated Master’s in Science in 2007. She worked with the Habitat for Humanity assisting volunteers from Dubai in 2010. Basically, she spent part of her education career and field work on orang-utans and met many people from all walks of life which she collaborate with. And this book tells that story. She has one sister and one brother and two nephews from each of them whom she loves dearly. Her father is somewhere in Sabah who unfortunately was divorced to her mother. Perhaps there will be blessings in disguise. Her grandmother has 10 children.    
It will take a couple of time, before the book is out. So stay tune on my progresses. I will keep you updated by writing in my blog. At the mean time, here is the preview on its content. The book cover on how it looks like once it's published will be available in the internet soon. 

Hope you'll buy it.. I hope to use the proceeds for an education programme and disseminate the book to a wider audience so that to learn more about Science and Technology. With enough money, I'm able to publish more books and the cycle goes around. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Think Out of the Box

I haven't been able to publish my book entitled Angels That Came as I wanted. Not that I couldn't because I had plans to turn it into an education programme. It's a good read I should say, mainly fiction and at the same time, turning it into a piece for further examination on Science.

My latest activities are posting some news about the environment in Facebook. That is how I keep myself occupied by acting into volunteerism. I think other people should enact the same way, it gives you recent updates about the world and at the same time you know how the environment works. There are two types of genuine contribution that you could do as an organisation which are social responsibility and environmental responsibility. You contribute as a whole giant superorganism by having your existence matters and to take effect into your surroundings. The environment is a natural commodity and it is expressed in energy. What you do to others could lead to happen to you. Which is why we need to spread such positive impact to the earth. If people are happy, you give good product and service. Which is why I highlight on the important role of social responsibility. It derives from human capital and complacency as well to compel towards change.

I am enduring here as a sitting duck! Which bears any meaning as being to resilient. Lol! Laziness is said to be the devils lair. Think out the box, the world is an expression of intelligence! It's essential that we all learn to analyse, put it simply in order to learn to adapt. But guided with a firm grasp on knowledge and critical thinking.. Hey, you don't wanna be paranoid. Living in a world that doesn't require too much thinking would be completely a bliss. I've explained about the role of a sentient being, what more could I speak of the sentinel. Which comes into my second approach towards the complacency of a sentinel. He looks out with wary eyes, that man who turns out to be the guardian. Enough cliche, I'm coming into what does it take to measure antagonists! It's the same sort of thing that brings you to square one, you approach the intruder. It's like saying you're an initiator and I'm a recipient, but what takes you out of the square is the demand for order. So I request the former. That being said.

Put it simply, in order for humanity to dislodge. You need regulation in society. But what right is that to approach is a good question. We approach with responsibility, moral and ethics. The constitution is damn right a good watch house. It gives any meaning to helping the helpless and avoid criminalisation. The good order we call the law. Within reasonably of a doubt, we come into the question about necessary limiting grounds and withing certain standards of appeal. All comes down to property rights, civil rights constitution and avoiding victimisation. In America, you have something such as the first and second amendments. This is the right for all civilians, and cannot be simply taken for granted as Obama once said. It is not a privilege. I don't know what it means by that, but perhaps it has a higher meaning to what it means by granted a right but not to be taken lightly?

Our dreams are what we make of it. Serving all constitutions, society has the right to shape iteself. And it progress into the bottoms up approach channeled by the top down approach, which is the law. How do we strike balance? I am very interested into the notion of sustainability, that thing which can support us. If we could find means for economic resolution and the intermedience of culture, we would know the final repertoire. The world is created in so much diversity, that it requires deep respect for preservation. There are so many things to choose from. But the attire that needs establishment, is strict discipline because it bears any meaning to preservation. What is that, we are trying to preserve? Is it individuality, racial contest, certain elites? Or mainly resources. That's a big bonus! I think modesty and honesty signalling will always champion the role. Because we become flexible. There is no moderate signs to inflation or disregularity. Think of a good book, what will incite your interest foremost? I think something appealing such as humankind and to go forward.

The economic model as planned by our ministry is one good example. It gives us security and it navigates us for an access to Science and Technoloy. The readiness to an institution and community fascilitation. This is what we need at the moment.

From the author,
Sheena James