Thursday, March 17, 2011

Angels That Came

I have submitted my manuscript for publishing, a book entitled Angels That Came. It's in the process of review and that will take an amount of time to finish. At the mean time, I hope that my book will be out in May as my mother comes back from Saudi that way we could do a celebration here on it's opening.

Since, the layout of the book doesn't permit more wordings than it should. I insert the full elaboration of my background and summary of the book in this blog.

The Angels That Came was named so because of so many people who were involved in this project. It is with the aim of popularising Science and a dedication to the people who spent most of their lives in conserving nature and its species. Thus it’s a mixture of romance with particular interest on the subject of orangutan where the ecology of the animal is being discussed stipulated with the knowledge of physics. It is with hope that the motive of this book is to promote the concept of evolution and findings on biomass. The book is an incredible mix of Indian mythology and touches a deep aspect of culture life in North Borneo where orangutans are found. Not many people know of its conservation status in this interior part of the world. Therefore, this book also enlightens the reader by telling a bit of history, culture and socio-economic status as pragmatic as possible. The orangutan is recognised as a protected species and is prioritised as an emblem for tourism and nature conservation. Hopefully, this book succeeds in educating society on its existence and act as an introduction to this beautiful world of ape and people co-existing together.

Sheena James is a local born of Sigh heritage in the island of Borneo. Her grandmother’s father used to sell tobacco during colonial times and is known by priests as the sigup man or a man who sell cigarettes. In this book you will see, intertwined are some twist of enigmatic portrayal of how the natives live in this part of Malaysian Borneo. Some of them were purposely exaggerated to give it a bit of spice. But far from truth, they encover a little about the racial mix of people living this day as a democratic country. Part of this project was funded by her mother who is working in the Middle East which would not have materialised without her full support. Sheena graduated in Conservation Biology with Second Upper Class and was given a full scholarship by Darwin Initiative to continue a course of molecular ecology in Cardiff, Wales. She graduated Master’s in Science in 2007. She worked with the Habitat for Humanity assisting volunteers from Dubai in 2010. Basically, she spent part of her education career and field work on orang-utans and met many people from all walks of life which she collaborate with. And this book tells that story. She has one sister and one brother and two nephews from each of them whom she loves dearly. Her father is somewhere in Sabah who unfortunately was divorced to her mother. Perhaps there will be blessings in disguise. Her grandmother has 10 children.    
It will take a couple of time, before the book is out. So stay tune on my progresses. I will keep you updated by writing in my blog. At the mean time, here is the preview on its content. The book cover on how it looks like once it's published will be available in the internet soon. 

Hope you'll buy it.. I hope to use the proceeds for an education programme and disseminate the book to a wider audience so that to learn more about Science and Technology. With enough money, I'm able to publish more books and the cycle goes around. 


  1. ya, saya menunggu terbitnya buku ini. semoga penulis dapat menghasilkan karya yang lebih banyak lagi.

  2. Terima kasih Pak Naddin.. Naddin, akan menjadi antara orang pertama yang akan mengetahui mengenai buku saya dengan selanjutnya.. Hehe.. Terima kasih lagi, atas sokongan Pak Naddin..

  3. Hebat, tida ramai orang tempatan yg menulis buku... We support you

  4. Terima kasih Sabah People.. Harap dapat beli buku saya bila keluar nanti..
