Sunday, August 22, 2010


It's my adventure into going through the notion of what is meant by culture. Not the definition but the translation of it. I don't know where to begin. I've written emails to my previous affiliates to consider my proposal of doing a research in Danum Valley. Although the location is not entirely subjected, I can also do it in Imbak perhaps. The objective of this project is to cover research, education and conservation. How I am to do this is to have a study on orangutans taken by research. Publish materials for education such as a brochure maybe and some picture books. And through discussion with some Indonesian scientists to make up of conservation. That's for sure.

But as for research, I don't know if it's too close to detail at the moment what I can say is that I attempt to challenge issue of climate change. It would be interesting to have an atmosphere for where lies a dipterocarp for assessment and maybe some palms for coordinated feeding behaviour. I would also specify the need to preserve areas for carbon sink. And maybe accommodate the needs to preserve other areas where sequester for nitrogen. It certainly is a huge project that requires a fulfilling collaboration.

Apart from that I am interested in investigating the social organisation of orangutans. In how they are distributed around the forest. This would impinge on some notion I have about the arrangement of particle and infuse the concept of energy. It would also gather some theories on physics and how we may able to use it not to our desire or attempt but on Scientific interest. Now comes a question on ethics, what is real research. Bear in mind throughout the years, it has simply been laid for discovery. Not necessarily exploration. We gather the theories, who knows we might need it some day. Like building up a whole book on encyclopedia or making a dome in Mars to inhibit plants and animals when we are soaked up in radiation. Hehee..

I've written on my Facebook something about culture. What would ignite the enthusiasm. There is falacy in knowing that tool mechanism is culture. Well it could be. But from where I stood it could have been intelligence or a cognitive ability. Diet on the other hand are culture, because that depends on where orangutans may be found. So if I have a study site where orangutans are equally distributed within a wide range of area covering migratory routes take for example the different altitudinal range of a riverine forest and up to the mountains, we could examine the flexibility of diet. And what do they eat in a riverine forest to be able to accommodate for a re-construction of a buffer zone for them. I have seen in an observation book made available in DVFC about an orangutan female near the river in June but what she ate was not known. Orangutans in Sukau ate many seeds in August. This just explains for scarcity but on it's implication we're missing the point that what affects their herbivory. Has climate been paramount on substituting consequences? Do orangutans do have more handsome diet in dipterocarp forest or is it because of lack of fruits? What do leaves have got to do with protein. And are they huge in size. This will give forebearing idea on the exchange intellectual thought of what we know about orangutans.

First I need to know about the forests. Well there has been record that the lowland are 500 m a.s.l. And that they do have fruits in the forest. Why are they totally lacking in mature forest. Is that because there is no regeneration. So how do wild orangutans cope with this circumstances? Obviously, they eat leaves but how do they eat fruits and when. October is the stipulated date for all Malaysian rainforests. Then how come do they reach to enormous sizes. Ahh.. Now this proves for a question on durability at stake and breaking the norm for home range sizes. I just hope they don't walk too far. I have gone through the debate of what evidence the home range pattern. Is it the food, mating yes generally speaking but I've also concluded in size matter. The lighter weight can travel farther but what prohibits the movement to expand. It's the size of the habitat. Does fragmentation induce monopoly? Well according to the literature, yes. Is that good or bad. I kinda like it from my perspective. But I am yet to notice from other areas in a more detailed point of view. How do orangutans run an epigamic society or are they truly wild in the sense that there are too much freedom and independence that there is no order and regulation? This comes to the query on territoriality and aggressive traits. Sure don't want to be caught that on the answer. But from experiences, there seems to be individual maximization. And the only suggestion I could give on this matter is exceptionally an education.

I need to exert the parameters for culture. And maybe conduct a strategy like I used to. In the end, my conclusion is furthering the attempt to evaluate the evolution in orangutans. Not necessarily in primates or humanities, because the history has been challenged..