Maybe there is a reason. And that there is a purpose to not question and that the only best thing, is result. The answer. But that's bullshit! I'm just so glad that my university propose a second best thing put into place after this, and that is processes. Who are you to believe? No matter where you run, goodness will always prevail. How corny would it sound? But everywhere I see, that's always true.
There is right and there is wrong. And No means No. So the right thing to do, is yes you can always question. Then why is that you could be cruel to be kind? My mother believed in discipline. It's not enough how hard I try to ignore it to know that I come into my common sense that what she's trying to do is to make me a tough person. To be able to fit it into a tough world. She had gone through a lot. What makes her believe that I would, the same?
There goes another saying that says Survival of the Fittest. Why do all scientists vote for that? Yes, it's true that this world is only lived by those that strikes at midnight. But then, the world is pre-conditioned. It is an art of a physical state. But vola, the human is the only thing that can jump-start a big bang! Shoot a star off it's orbital course. It's devious and unthinkable. Why do you want to go separate ways? Why ya wanna swim against the waves? Survival of the fittest. Humans have the exceptional ability to intrude, to be rude and physically ruthless. That's not normal. Well at least, to what I know from my equation. Or not, we all go obliterated!
My other question is about human endurance. If there is a thing as survival of the fittest then where does it bring to a place on durability? They either go extinct or deformed. That is what you can do to one another. You might feel devious, but put into sense that is just intra-specific competition. But given a matrix, where just ONE single being can make a difference, you can imagine what can happen. It goes bizerk! Because what do you expect, as a scientist, I would call it a mixture of putative fathers. But in genetic, you know the Father. So there then comes the crux, and nothing else is more nasty than having you follow the way to the Cross. Religion gave me a path to follow the light. And to show to others and let them lead the way. With else beckons! With my book and staff. The statue of Liberty comes into mind. Axis of evil. Yes, the fascist are a group of people that rebells without a cause. They have nothing to guide them, and they go jumping from one community to another with no direction, no objectives. Why do you want to do something that kills a person and then kill you later on? Godless.
With this in mind, and a trajectory to Kindness and Goodness as I found in my equation to the exceptional beauty of knowledge acquisition from ancient civilizations, what do you ask about the very basic subject that had us wondering in the beginning? Quantum. What actually happens in the black hole? Is it a deformity? An extinction? The other subject that wants you to ask is gravity and angle. I have buried myself into them. But I could only imply. Well I don't know actually. Maybe there is a thing as a theory of relativity. That the minute the planet dies it's orbital trajectory eventually coinciding with the black hole. Or that maybe, the black hole is just one magnificent creation in nature of the universe capable of absorbing light where there isn't any. And the beginning of dawn but excites the curiosity of science and how we regulate and keep order in a very turbulent society. To be Cruel is to be Kind. On Second Thought..
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