Monday, August 19, 2013

World Orangutan Day

Happy World Orangutan Day! My cousin had just got back from Bali after a Honeymoon spent there with her husband. I wanted to gather an occasion of the party held. But found it inappropriate however it corresponding to the decided programme. Although found it amusing, how the so-called programme of the World Orangutan Day orientates to the so called party event, so much more for the location that the both had gone to. However, I decide it's about time that I frame the poster that I have in my room for any other events coming soon. And take a picture with that, with a recent letter which I sent hopefully corresponding to an inaugural theme to look fo sponsors or at least donations such as passing the hat. To look at a brighter side, I am happy to say, that my books are now available on a resourceful wood source. I have found out that my papers are published from a reliable wood source, coming from trees that had been planted to produce papers. Rather than papers which had been produced from timber wood. This is good, because based on this account I had come to notice that the wood source coming from a locally produced market not only help initiate the industry but perhaps to say, that it is farmed and not harvested from thick jungle forest. To reveal the industry would be killing the goose chase. Find out more on the next event. From the author, Sheena James

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