3rd January 2002 (12.10 pm)
I realize that the personality I address to people are those that I assume, expected from me, of how I’m suppose to be rather than stating my true feelings and thoughts on any subjected matter.
I am free to use my knowledge gained from experience rather than focus on handouts compulsory to read from teachers. But I am not aware about the freedom I have to take the liberty to choose.
INFAPRO: only 10% plants are damaged (insects, consumed etc).
Does passion and faith go together?
That’s so funny. I was thinking but my gaze came to 2 Parkson labels on top of my desk. While thinking about something I was, at the same time reasoning why one label has the Parkson word on the centre and the other label, has the word aligned to the top.
Main threat to planting trees in Danum: fungus
37 dipterocarp species are used in planting.
Seeds – remove wings then dried in sun and covered by wet jut sack to hasten break of dorminancy.
Each worker carries 30 bags of plants on their bakid (rucksack).
Planted 10,000 ha out of 25,000 ha.
10% size of mesh used in nursery.
3rd January 2002
10.49 pm
For the places that I’ve been, for what I have seen and the beauty I felt, I can’t refrain myself, I can’t resist what I must do, I can’t do otherwise.
There is so much beauty in this world and yet so much pain. I thought that to live was to suffer, to learn from one’s mistakes. To fall is a privilege because one can spent only 9 months learning something which others might spent their whole life time and still not have got it.
Is growing up and gaining maturity the same? In growth, one learns how to distinguish what is right from wrong, good and bad, priorities and non-priorities. There is a thin line that separates these both, very vague. And the interpretation might differ from one individual to the other.
I hope that in whatever path I may take, I will always be true to myself.
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